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Version 3.6
House Lannister Non-loyal
Location. Cost: 1. 
Deck limit: 3
Reaction: After a Clansman character enters play, that character gains a challenge icon of your choice until the end of the phase.
Shadowcats prowled those passes, rock slides were common, and the mountain clans were lawless brigands...
Comments   (1)
Karta reaguje na vstup do hry, tedy i na vyložení. Symbol výzvy ale přetrvá jen do konce fáze, takže ve fázi vykládání nemá většinou význam. Pro význam ve fázi výzev musí postava do hry vstoupit během této fáze (Harrenov, přepadení, Měsíční bratři, Šagga...).
Wednesday 6. December 2017 20:26:46
{"cardEratum_title":"The card in this language has printed incorrect text or wrong attributes. But the card description contain the correct data.","discussion":"Discussion","source":"Source","all":"All","show_original":"Show original","show_translation":"Show translation","msg_not_card_data":"Information at this moment is not available","__amount_comment":1}
Version 3.6