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Version 3.6
House Stark Non-loyal
Character. Cost: 4. Strength: 4. 
House Umber.
Deck limit: 3
Forced Reaction: After a character enters play during the challenges phase, kneel that character.
"...the Umbers may seem simple, but they are not without a certain low cunning." -Roose Bolton
Comments   (1)
Interakce s Domem Neumírajících je ta, že pokud jsou Průzkumníci na hromádce zabitých, po spuštění Domu Neumírajících průzkumníci přijdou do hry a v důsledku jejich povinné reakce jsou všechny postavy vstupující do hry pokleknuty.
Wednesday 6. December 2017 20:40:37
{"cardEratum_title":"The card in this language has printed incorrect text or wrong attributes. But the card description contain the correct data.","discussion":"Discussion","source":"Source","all":"All","show_original":"Show original","show_translation":"Show translation","msg_not_card_data":"Information at this moment is not available","__amount_comment":1}
Version 3.6