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Version 3.6
House Tyrell Non-loyal
Character. Cost: 4. Strength: 3. 
House Hightower, Lady.
Deck limit: 3
Reaction: After Alerie Tyrell enters play, search the top 10 cards of your deck for a character with printed cost 3 or lower, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck.
Sansa recognized only Lord Tyrell's tall dignified wife, Lady Alerie, whose long silvery braid was bound with jeweled rings.
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{"cardEratum_title":"The card in this language has printed incorrect text or wrong attributes. But the card description contain the correct data.","discussion":"Discussion","source":"Source","all":"All","show_original":"Show original","show_translation":"Show translation","msg_not_card_data":"Information at this moment is not available","__amount_comment":0}
Version 3.6